Independent Noise

OSI had a visit and received an email from a gentleman named Matt Mikkelsen, he had this to say:

“My name is Matt and about a year ago, I visited One Square Inch of Silence (OSI),  one of the quietest places in the world. In this magical place, one can hear nothing but the sounds of nature, sometimes for over 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes may not sound like much time, but this is an extremely rare phenomenon that nature geeks like myself call “natural silence”.  OSI is one of the few places in the entire world where you can hear natural silence for even a few minutes. This experience changed me. While I stood silently in the Hoh rain forest, I realized that I had never truly listened to the world I lived in, and never fully appreciated all the beautiful music that nature makes. Since that day, I have dedicated a large portion of my life to listening to nature, and capturing the music it makes with audio recording equipment. Do I sound like a nature geek yet? Long story short, I’ll be helping to keep you updated about all things OSI and our progress in saving this magical place. If you don’t understand what I mean, check out the “about” section on our website. I also want to share natures music, so with every update, I’ll be sharing sounds with you. I encourage you to listen, share, and give feedback on these sounds. I will also be sharing related links, articles, and anything else that we may find interesting.  Follow OSI on Facebook, too.”

Until next time,
Matt Mikkelsen
Independent Noise
Pollution Researcher
Sound Recordist Local Music Director – WICB FM